Welcoming all Outlands Craftspeople who can do their crafts outdoors with no, or very limited power. This means blacksmiths, wwo workers, glass blowers, lampwrights, painters, etc. If it can be done without power, please join us. This will be an outdoor event showing off our crafts and skills. Demos and classes will be held on site all…
Author: Admin
St Sebastian’s Archery Event
November 24, 2024 Come shoot in the longest running archery event. Join us in the great hunt among other shoots.Archery to include many things. Starting with the great hunt. We are going to have a potluck buffet lunch, so please bring something to donate to the potluck. We will also be having a archery themed…
Fighter Practice is Moving Indoors!
Practice is moving indoors. We will be at:Berkeley Community Church3701 W 50th AveDenver, CO 80221United States https://maps.app.goo.gl/3Pi6LMQpjMb6m3Vt8
Caerthen 12th Night 2025
Date: January 4, 2025 (Saturday)Location: Adams County Fairgrounds Waymire Dome, 9755 Henderson Rd, Brighton CO 80601Time: 9am-9pm To all who hear this message: You are invited to celebrate the reign of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora over the Eastern Roman Empire. Guests will come from as far west as the lands harried by the Visigoths,…
Help with MPI Site Cleanup August 10-11
UPDATE: New date The concrete in the foundation is being fixed. We will be out at the site building the new building the weekend of August 10th and 11th A missive from THL Forrester about the MPI site – a non-SCA-affiliated nonprofit which owns land that we often host events on: For over 20 years, many…
Applications open for Caerthe Webminister
Letters of intent are now being accepted for Baronial Webminister for Caerthe, as my two-year term ends in August. Maintaining our website is easy because you can do it on your own as time permits, instead of needing to attend specific events. I spend up to 5 hours a month on webministry related tasks, for…
Battlemoor Gate Signups
Greetings to the Barony of Caerthe, from your friendly neighborhood Exchequer, Battlemoor will be upon us within the month! In an effort to make gate planning easier, Kingdom has asked each barony to take charge of a gate shift period. Caerthe will be in charge of gate on Thursday, July 4th, from 8 a.m. to…
Applications open for Caerthe Seneschal
Position: Branch Seneschal – Caerthe Responsibilities: – Provide administrative leadership in accordance with SCA policies and guidelines – Oversee the smooth functioning of branch activities, meetings, and events – Support officers in their roles and help maintain accurate records – Uphold SCA’s core values and maintain compliance with organizational standards – Act as a liaison between…
Quartermaster Seeking Replacement
Unto the good people of Caerthe, does your Quartermaster send greetings! Do you like stuff? How about things? The illustrious Barony of Caerthe has indeed several of both! Of these things and stuff – and so too bits and bobs – organization and keeping must be done. Such is the responsibility of the baronial Quartermaster,…
Battlemoor Camping
Good Morning, Beloved Barony! Battlemoor registration is open, and His Excellency Dugal will be our Land Coordinator. If you’d like to camp with the Barony (and we hope you will!), please contact him as soon as possible at excellencies@caerthe-sca.org with your name/s, tent sizes (footprint with and without ropes), arrival and departure dates, and good…