Awards and Recognition

Awards are a way that the barony can recognize those individuals who contribute to the barony through skills, service, and teaching. There are awards for demonstrating skill at arms in martial activities, like fighting and archery, for skill in the arts, and for serving the barony and its populace by running events, being an officer, and just generally being helpful. To receive an award, members of the populace make recommendations to the Baron and Baroness, then, often in consultation with other recipients of the same award, the B&B may decide to recognize the person with an award and a scroll (produced by our artisans).

Aspen of Caerthe

Given for serving the Barony well and faithfully.

Cordon of Honor of Caerthe

Given for service to the Coronet.

Dreamer’s Cup

Given for being an example of chivalry, gentility, nobility and authenticity.

Green Tree

Given for children under 16 in recogniztion of potential 

Order of Evan

Given for Period persona development. 

Pilgrim of Caerthe

Given for distinguishing themselves, and bringing honor to the Barony and the Kingdom, at foreign War. 

Sable Lion of Caerthe

Given for excellence in the martial arts.

Black Glove of Caethe

Given for combined talents in fencing, armored combat, and arts and sciences

Coronet’s Smile

Given for any persons, from in or out of the Barony, who have demonstrated great service, or by their actions increased the enjoyment of an event. 

Gilded Leaf of Caerthe

Given for excellence in the arts and sciences.

Keystone of Caerthe

Given for Twenty years of service to the barony.

Order of Excellence

Given for demonstrating noble attributes of worth: Ideals of the Society, Hospitality, Valor, and Integrity.

Sable Destrier of Caerthe

Given for demonstrated excellence in the Equestrian Arts, giving freely of their knowledge and expertise in the equestrian arts.