Help with MPI Site Cleanup August 10-11

UPDATE: New date

The concrete in the foundation is being fixed.  We will be out at the site building the new building the weekend of August 10th and 11th

A missive from THL Forrester about the MPI site – a non-SCA-affiliated nonprofit which owns land that we often host events on:

For over 20 years, many people have been working toward a goal of the Barony having its own space to hold events. That goal is coming true. MPI has acquired a plot of land that has great potential. When we went to look at it, it was a 40 acre chunk of land, nothing on it at all, but we saw plenty of potential. This new land is called Antelope Run.

In the last 3 years since we bought this empty land, we have been busy. We have a tractor that has been put into service along with a new mower, and a drag rake we have been very busy clearing the land of ground cactus. We have been keeping it mowed and trying to get the natural grasses to grow nicely. We have placed a large permanent sunshade onsite to use as the main gate for events. We have dug a well for water, we have had the local power company run a line to the site and have had power run to the well as well as other places on the land.

Our largest project to date is a 50-foot by 70-foot building. This has been a challenge, needing land survey, soil samples, permits, building a road from the edge of the land to the building for fire dept. access and several other hurdles to overcome. But at long last we are to the point that the foundation is in, and the concrete is curing.

ON the weekend of JULY 13 and 14th we start building the building. To that end we need help. We had contractors doing everything else but we are putting up the building. On the 13th and 14th we have rented a telehandler but we need people to lend a hand. We will be starting around 8am on Saturday the 13th and work till we drop then start right up the next day. We are hopeful that members of the populace of the Outlands will join us in making this long held dream come true. Several of us will be camping out at the site.

There will be burgers and brats for everyone. There will be a camper on site with the AC running all day to help keep people cool if needed. If you have any interest in helping out please contact THL Forrester. or 720-560-0627 

The address for the site is 36725 Fiddleback Ranch Rd Kiowa, CO 80117

We will have most of the tools but please feel free to bring Drill drivers, wrenches, ladders, gloves, and other items (Forrester will have a list of tools)