November 24, 2024

Come shoot in the longest running archery event. Join us in the great hunt among other shoots.
Archery to include many things. Starting with the great hunt. We are going to have a potluck buffet lunch, so please bring something to donate to the potluck. We will also be having a archery themed A&S display, so if you have anything archery related please bring it to display and to show it.
You have old archery gear. Do you like to trade? Maybe trade up? See if you wanted to sell to somebody trade to somebody now’s the Time to bring it. We’re going to have an archery swap meet, so if you have equipment you want to get rid of please bring it. We would love to see non-archers at this event. This is a barony event so please come join us and hang out with good friends and have a fun time!
Event Steward: Kenneric ap Griffith
More Info: TBD
Site Fees: TBD
This Event is held and managed by the Barony of Caerthe, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to Event Steward: Kenneric ap Griffith Any discrepancies between this posting and the Outlandish Herald or the Kingdom website will be decided in favor of the information in the Outlandish Herald.
Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear
4298 Kipling St
Ste B
Wheat Ridge CO 80033
Colorado’s most complete archery shop. Full service pro shop featuring Bowtech, Elite, Hoyt, Prime,