Our Landed Nobility and Their Retinue

Their Excellencies of Caerthe – Countess Ansteys Darcy and The Honorable Lord Dubhghall mac Gille Easbaig


Their Excellencies’ Household

Head Retainer – Lady Bryngerdr Didriksdottir
Captain of the Guard – Don Tahir al-Razi
Aide de Camp (Secretary) – Baroness Morgan Cheyney

– Noble Anne of Østgardr
– Lady Aífe an tSneachta
– Talespinner
– Bjersi
– Minu
– Antony
– Mistress Diana Doria
– Lady Maire Dooley
– Aliena
– Lady Therasia Thoma
Helpful Friends
– Mistress Mary Blakthorn
– Mistress Ksenia Mikhailovna Morskaya

Champions (updated annually at our competitions; site last updated at fall 2023)

Premier Blade – Don Tahir al-Razi

Rapier of Chivalry – Noble Anne of Østgardr

Warlord – Sir Alasdair MacDubhghaill the Scot

Cut and Thrust Champion – Don Jehan Mór

Archery Champion – The Honorable Lord Forrester