Mistress Diana
In medieval times, the Seneschal was the steward of a Great House. Seneschals also performed duties similar to a governor or other administrative or judicial officer.
In the SCA, a Seneschal is like the city manager to the Baron and Baroness, who are similar to a city mayor. The Seneschal helps facility the legal aspects of running events, membership, and the general business of the barony.
Don Servi di Villano
The office of the exchequer is responsible for all financial activities in the barony. All fund requests, event budgets, deposits, donations, and so on go through the exchequer. The office also reports non-member event attendance. It is one of the most challenging positions in the barony, and also one of the most fulfilling. The office is more of a background office, focused on the bookkeeping rather than meeting everyone in the populace, but it also gives some of the best insight into how the barony operates.
Chatelaine (Gold Key)
The Honorable Lady Lisette de Troyes
If you’re new to the SCA or to Caerthe, I’m the right person to contact! We have a lot of helpful information in our Newcomers’ section of the website. We have a collection of garb, accessories, and feastware for new members to borrow, called Gold Key. Please reach out with any questions!
Arts & Sciences Minister
Mistress Liepa Jonaite
The Office of the Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for fostering the study of period culture and technology and methods for producing historically accurate artifacts and performances. If you have questions about how to get started with period sewing, illumination, leatherworking, cooking, or any of the other thousands of things medieval people created and used, contact the A&S minister.
Baronial Marshal (Armored Combat)
The Honorable Lord Ricart Berenguer Halcon (called Hawk)
The office of the Baronial Marshal is responsible for managing martial activities for the barony. In Caerthe, this means maintaining the loaner gear, making sure we have a site for fighter practices, and helping new fighters learn the basics of heavy combat. If you’re interested in finding out more about heavy fighting, please send an email to or come out to our Thursday Practice in Denver.
Rapier Marshal
Don Tahir al-razi
The Rapier Marshal attends regular Baronial rapier practice and has a few duties. The marshal is especially responsible to new fighters. They maintain the loaner gear and makes sure everyone has signed the appropriate waiver and inspects fighters’ armor and weapons. They also observe fighting and reports any incidents involving injury and/or broken equipment, such as a broken blade or lost tip.
They also make monthly reports to the seneschal, knight marshal, kingdom rapier marshal, and Baron and Baroness.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging Officer
Lady Lianor da Costa
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging officer is here to make sure everyone attending events can participate to the best of their ability. The DEIB officer advocates for accommodations for disability, promotes equity based on protected aspects, and helps remove obstacles to participation so that everyone can belong. While problems with other members should be brought to the Seneschal, the DEIB officer can be asked to help mediate when protected aspects are involved.
accepting Letters of Intent for a successor
Produces the Fortress newsletter for the barony.
Don Jehan Mór
The webwright is responsible for maintaining the baronial website. This officer helps autocrats create pages for events, posts announcements, and updates the baronial calendar as needed. This person is also the administrator of the baronial Google accounts, including officer email, Drive, and calendars. Contact this officer if you run in to a problem on the site or if you’ve had difficulty reaching another officer.
Social Media Officer
Lady Maire
The Social Media Officer maintains the baronial social media accounts. The barony has several Facebook groups, a Twitter account, and a Pinterest account. To distribute a message to these platforms, send your message request to
Aspen Pursuivant (Herald)
Master Jethro Stille
accepting Letters of Intent for a successor
The Herald assists the populace in researching names and devices as well as assisting with submitting heraldic items to the College of Heralds for approval. She also maintains a library of heraldic books for the barony. For more information about heraldry, visit the kingdom herald’s site at
Lord Sigeric bíldr
Encourages and plans scribal (calligraphy and illumination) activities in the barony. Organizes award scroll assignments. Your one-stop scribal contact!
Sir Iohann
accepting Letters of Intent for a successor
The barony has a wealth of useful equipment available, including shades, signs, banners, cooking supplies, and other decorations. The Quartermaster helps maintain and store that gear and keeps an inventory of what the barony has available. The storage facility, where the baronial goods are held, is in Englewood. Contact the Quartermaster if you are planning an event and wish to use baronial gear.