Team England
Onions in Vinegar by Mahowne MacAgaloglie
Pottage Worth Your Birthright by Lord Charles Fleming
Apples and Parsnips by Lord Charles Fleming
Hearthcakes by Lord Charles Fleming
Fenkel in Soppes by Praxilla Taurina
Beancakes by Praxilla Taurina
Leek Pottage by Liepa Jonaite
Cinnamon Bread by Lady Aronna Sevan
Team France
Barley Bread by Aurora Katherine d’Hiver
Cabbage Soup (pottage) by Lady Elizabeth Winter (Requires Powder Douce)
Barley Pilaf by Morris O’fiaich
Pottage of Cabbage and Apples by Morris O’fiaich
Carrots, Garlic, and Onions by Enchantadorea Pluma Del Dragón